FAQ Oraco Tech 26 July, 2022


Most common questions and answers
Frequently asked questions
Can I register separately for to the Training Academy and Master Class?

Yes, you can sign up for the Training Academy without committing to the Master Class. Please note only teams with ready business plans and financial plans can apply for the Master Class.

Can we apply without having a specific venture idea?

Yes you can, for the Training Academy which is open for everyone with or without a business idea willing to strengthen their business skills and learn more about entrepreneurship. To apply for the Master Class you need to be a team of two persons with a feasible, financially sound, realistic and scalable social impact venture idea.

When is the next REDpreneur course?

The next REDpreneur course will be the Global Training Academy commencing on November 2024.

Where can I register for REDpreneur courses, sessions, and events?

You can find all open registration links here: https://redpreneur.org/events/.

If you have missed the registration, we encourage you to express your interest for the next cycle by contacting us at redpreneur@redcross.at. We will then automatically put you on the waiting list and contact you as soon as the next cycle is open for registration.

Do I have to pay fees for the participation of the Training Academy and the Master Class?

Yes, a commitment fee applies. However, 50 % of your ticket is funded by the Austrian Development Agency and another 25 % by further partners of the program. The REDpreneur Team is here for you with ideas in case you need support for the remaining costs.

Scroll down on the home page to find more on information on fees.